I’m surprised Child Protective Services hasn’t taken custody of my blog yet, given how much I neglect it. But you know what they say, absent parents make for interesting adults. (Wow, that was kind of dark.) Let’s lighten things up. I got married last month! Some of you already know this, but to others, this is breaking news. I think it’s because Facebook didn’t say I was married until a few days ago. And if it’s not on Facebook, it never happened. Existential social media discussions aside, this post is a comprehensive update of my life today. You’ll get the inside scoop on my current whereabouts, my favorite podcasts, desired pastimes–everything you need to know to hack my passwords. I know, I know, that’s what journals are for. But most days I can barely read my own handwriting. And if I want my post-cursive posterity to know me in this Year of the Dog, I must leave an online record. GRANESSABAMA Granessabama is the name of this new chapter in my life and pot...