When you think about what it would like to be rich, REALLY rich, you probably think about rolling out in your new Maserati or turning a guest room into a second closet, OR even the fact that you could literally roll around in dollar bills- $100 DOLLAR BILLS. While this is all fine and good and sufficiently over-the-top, what I want the most is an assistant. (Let's face it, you're usually making bank if you have an assistant.) Now, why do I need an assistant? Why do I want one? My reasons shall be revealed. (Speaking of Maserati, that's part of the title of one of my sister's songs. Check it out.) https://soundcloud.com/alyce-marie/maserati-body-alyce-marie-ft 1. I'm bad with breakfast. I like eating, I really do. But during the school year, I rarely eat breakfast...or lunch. At night, I'm too tired to prepare a lunch. In the morning, I usually wake up 15 minutes before I leave for school/seminary, so...still no time. I just want an assistant to ...