When you think about what it would like to be rich, REALLY rich, you probably think about rolling out in your new Maserati or turning a guest room into a second closet, OR even the fact that you could literally roll around in dollar bills- $100 DOLLAR BILLS. While this is all fine and good and sufficiently over-the-top, what I want the most is an assistant. (Let's face it, you're usually making bank if you have an assistant.) Now, why do I need an assistant? Why do I want one? My reasons shall be revealed.
(Speaking of Maserati, that's part of the title of one of my sister's songs. Check it out.)
1. I'm bad with breakfast. I like eating, I really do. But during the school year, I rarely eat breakfast...or lunch. At night, I'm too tired to prepare a lunch. In the morning, I usually wake up 15 minutes before I leave for school/seminary, so...still no time. I just want an assistant to bring me something in the morning. Perhaps bring me hot chocolate or tea or a smoothie at some point during the day. Chipotle for lunch. Life would be good.
2. This is NOT my job. I find myself doing a lot of office related topics that sometimes take up a lot of time. Why am I copying flyers? Why am I asking for a transcript myself? Why am I filtering through scholarships to find ones that are right for me? SOMEONE SHOULD DO THIS FOR ME. My assistant would do these things, while I would devote my time to more important things, like painting my desk or baking that batch of cookies for that lady that I was going to bake for two months ago. (Yikes.)
This is how I picture my assistant . She would be a refined, more organized version of me, and because I sometimes wish I was Asian, she's Asian. But maybe a better blazer. |
3. I'm not O.C.D. enough. I like scheduling and planning and organizing- but sometimes my anxiety order just doesn't cut it. For example, I missed a deadline of a really important scholarship because I thought it was due three days after the actual date. So, she would follow me around with her tablet, keeping track of every meeting, yoga class, and scholarship there ever was.
So, yeah, my assistant would actually be a personal chef, secretary, maybe even a personal trainer and chauffeur (I hate driving, but that's an entirely different post altogether.) Hopefully one day I will be able to have an assistant.
Or in other words, a helicopter/enabler mother... :)