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Showing posts from February, 2013

Single's Awareness Day

I just couldn't resist using this picture.  Wasn't Single's Awareness Day celebrated yesterday? Well, technically yes. But, according to Wikipedia, SAD is often celebrated on 13th or 15th as well. I think it is best to celebrate it on a Friday because this day most clearly exposes my know, because I'm at home. Alone. Writing a blog. Eating chocolate. Alone. But, my friends, today is a holiday! Let it not go unnoticed because there are many perks to being single. By the end of reading this post, you will throw away your self-pity and relish in your fantastic life and make all your coupled friends feel jealous. 1. He's attractive. And so is he. HIM, too. Because I am single, I can think anyone is attractive and tell the whole world if I want to. If I had a boyfriend, I won't be able to divulge my celebrity crushes without making him feel uncomfortable, jealous, and angry. Let's face it; I don't want to make him feel bad because ...

Valentine's Day

Despite having been single for 18 years (official next week exactly), Valentine's Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. Wait, aren't single people supposed to hate V-Day as much as Democrats and Republicans hate each other? FALSE. Let me tell why I love this lovely day of love. In the ongoing arguments of Nature v. Nurture, Nurture wins in this situation. In my family, Valentine's Day has always been a huge deal. It is actually one of my mom's favorite holidays. So, every year, we decorate the dining room, have dinner together, receive gifts and exchange valentine cards. Formal dress is strongly encouraged. So, I mean....I get gifts and epilogue to Christmas and a prologue to Easter. Why wouldn't I love Valentine's Day? Those are cupcakes in the back. And the style of napkins is called Bishop's Hat.  (p.s. folding napkins is difficult.) There is candy in the napkin. It goes downhill from much chocolate in so...

My Name is Anessa, I Have a Blog, and I'm Mormon

Last weekend, I was sick. So in between staring at Facebook, doing homework, blowing my nose, and crying during Titanic , I watched A LOT of "I'm a Mormon" videos. (Have no idea what I'm talking about? Scroll to the bottom of the page.) Most of you know that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as the the Mormon Church. If you didn't, well...I am. Ta-dah! Now, it seems that some people get jittery when the subject of religion comes up. RELAX. I'm not really going to focus on religion in this post, nor will I try to convert you or condemn you. So, relax.  ANYWAYS.  Like all YouTube videos, the "I'm a Mormon" videos receive a plethora of rude, inconsiderate comments. I think many of these comments, though, come from people who don't fully understand the videos and their purpose. Thus, I want to talk about these videos, why they exist, and why I love them.  1. These videos are not trying to...