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Single's Awareness Day

I just couldn't resist using this picture. 

Wasn't Single's Awareness Day celebrated yesterday? Well, technically yes. But, according to Wikipedia, SAD is often celebrated on 13th or 15th as well. I think it is best to celebrate it on a Friday because this day most clearly exposes my know, because I'm at home. Alone. Writing a blog. Eating chocolate. Alone. But, my friends, today is a holiday! Let it not go unnoticed because there are many perks to being single. By the end of reading this post, you will throw away your self-pity and relish in your fantastic life and make all your coupled friends feel jealous.

1. He's attractive. And so is he. HIM, too. Because I am single, I can think anyone is attractive and tell the whole world if I want to. If I had a boyfriend, I won't be able to divulge my celebrity crushes without making him feel uncomfortable, jealous, and angry. Let's face it; I don't want to make him feel bad because he doesn't look like him

or him

or even him. 

Okay, maybe not Clint. What I'm trying to say, is that you can think other people are beautiful without hurting anyone.

2. You can flirt RELENTLESSLY. I'm really bad at flirting. It could be comparable to putting George Bush in a spelling bee; so many things can and WILL go wrong, leaving everyone in the situation feeling awkward. But hey, the option that I can flirt with anyone at anytime because I'm singe is awesome.   

3. Monster-in-law. This one applies to people in all stages of dating. Isn't it nerve-racking to meet your new boyfriend's parents? Will they like me? Will I like them? What if my extremely normal companion has nutcases for parents? Or what if I have been dating someone for a few months and I still haven't hooked his parents...what if my parents absolutely hate him? Finally, what if I was married and just had a horrible mother-in-law and I'm worried to drink from a glass when she's around? Hmm, this water tastes like....ARSENIC!??!! Whatever stage of dating you are at, parents just make things awkward and complicated. So for now, you only have do deal with two parents. Your own. Cherish this blessing while you can. 

4. There is no US in TIME, but there is a ME. When you are in a relationship, you have to dedicate x number of hours to spending time with your significant other. Such bonding activities can become quite time-consuming, dissolving the concept of me-time. When you are a spinster like me, you have a lot more time to read a book. Or take up a new hobby. Or consider the reasons why you're still single. Nevertheless, you don't know how much single time you have left, so make the most of it before you have to sacrifice it to LOVE. 

5.Break-up Songs. Although love songs are enjoyable, sad songs about the loss of love are FAR under-appreciated. When you are single, you can better relate to sad songs, thus expanding your love for your music. You understand the pain, misery, agony, anger, jealousy and heartache (did I lay it on too thick?). Really, being single is making you more well-rounded musically. Thanks Cupid, you sick, heartless baby. You've done me a favor by sparing me of your amorous arrows! Here are some of my favorite love-gone-wrong songs:

"Eat Your Heart Our" by Hungry Kids of Hungary (not as scary as it sounds)

"Love Interruption" by Jack White (scarier than it sounds)

"JOY" by Ellie Goulding

"Don't You Remember" by Adele (what would this blog post be without her?)

So, there are many reasons to be happy and single simultaneously. And perhaps, once you embrace that, love will hit you like a dodgeball in junior high gym class. Happy Single's Awareness Day! 


  1. So informative. WHyyyy am I COUPLED????? Sometimes I want to eat chocolate...alone. Cuz let's face it...sharing isn't always all it's cracked up to be :)

  2. Um...that was me signed in as Anessa :/. Mom.


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