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Showing posts from July, 2014

The First and The Last: A Survey of the State of Delaware

"Aaah, our first state of Delaware. Established December 7, 1787. What a great place. We should go there." George Washington crossing the Delaware River, though he might not actually be in the state of Delaware.  Said no one ever.   Let's be real: people don't say this because 1)they don't when any of the states were established and 2)no one knows anything about Delaware. Delaware is one of those states you don't really hear anything about, like Connecticut or Wyoming. It is the red-headed stepchild of America. I am also suprised to say that I have lived in Delaware for three months. This is the last place I would expect to spend a summer. I mean, I know I do a lot of random things, but THIS- this takes the cake. (Takes the cake...where does that even come from?) Well, get ready to be EDUMACATED. I have compiled a list of questions AND ANSWERS one might ask about Delaware ( completely hypothetical). Because let's face it- you could be...

Notes from the Doorbell Diaries: 8 Dumb Things Homeowners Say

For the past three months, I have been selling trash & recycling services door-to-door in our first state of Delaware. There is a lot that goes into the job of being a door-to-door salesman, but ultimately I end up talking to a lot of strangers. My coworker once told me that we are getting to know America. Well, I feel bad for America! America's full of stubborn, rude, and downright dumb people. (Okay, that's not fair. We DO have Beyonce). But every time a homeowner opens his or her mouth, I be like: I could probably list 100 phrases spewed from the mouths of homeowners, but I narrowed it down to 8. So here you have it- 8 dumb things that the homeowners of Delaware say.  1. THIS IS A NO SOLICITING NEIGHBORHOOD. DIDN'T YOU SEE THE BIG SIGN WHEN YOU CAME IN?!  There are two reasons I love this. 1. Of course I saw the sign. Most of the neighborhoods I work in are ''no soliciting" neighborhoods. You have your signs, and I have mine.  This i...