Friends, Romans , Countrymen! I am very excited about this blog post and I hope it will be the first of many more like it. One of the first nights of freshman festivities at BYU, I went back to my dorm because I was sick of empty, boring conversation. But, lo and behold, I met great conversation with a few girls in my hall! And one of those girls happens to be with us today! I feel like ever writer has a picture like this. Rachel Dalrymple is a close friend, coworker (?), and writer in her own blog Volatile Opinions and My Bad Handwriting . As the inventor of the written selfie and a fellow blogger, I wanted to interview her. Because I can only be so witty for so long before I have to Utah. And she interviewed me on her blog, too. This is groundbreaking in the blogging community. Never before has there been such communication between bloggers today. World, you're welcome! A:What inspired you to start your blog? What subjects...