I was looking forward to spring break. Unfortunately, my week-long break was sub-par, comparable to George Bush's phonetic skills or Lindsay Lohan's acting career- not TERRIBLE, but not very good either. And who's fault is that? Mine! (I am pointing to myself.) It was a COMPLETE manifestation of my senioritis. And maybe your break wasn't very good either. Thus, I will give you some tips about how to better enjoy your future spring breaks.
1. Make a Plan. An entire week gives you a TON of time, so don't let it hit you without setting some goals. I say you set three types of goals: academic, social, and personal.
ACADEMIC: You might have a project due soon; you don't have to finish it over spring break, but you can start researching. Maybe you can finish reading a book or apply for a scholarship.
SOCIAL: take advantage of this free time and hang out with your friends. You now have entire days rather than just a few hours after school to hang out.
PERSONAL: Start playing an instrument, try some new hairstyles, or even clean your room. (I can't remember the last time my room was completely clean.)
Now that I think about it, I DID have some goals going into spring break, but I did not honor them. So, HONOR YOUR FREAKING GOALS.
2. Maintain low expectations. While it is important to have some goals, don't set too many. After all, it IS a vacation, a break from the hustle-and-bustle of your normal schedule. And you know what, sometimes, it's just nice to lay on your living room for two hours doing nothing. How do I know? Because that's the only thing I did during this past week. Too much of a good thing....
3. Make bank. If you don't think you can manage your time well, get yourself scheduled to work more often. Most places of employment expect about a two week's notice of your schedule, so let your employer know that you want a ton of hours that week ahead of time. (Some employers already know when you have spring break.....sketchy.) Why not take this opportunity to make some extra money?
4. Work on your health. Usually, people don't associate "health" with spring break, but it really is a way to jump-start your health, a way to revitalize your New Year's resolutions.
Eat regularly. This might be a no-brainer, but I do not eat regularly. Some days I don't even eat breakfast...or lunch. I know, I know, BAD Anessa! But since you probably don't have to be anywhere important, why not fix yourself a nice breakfast or lunch. Try some new recipes you found on Pinterest, or force someone else to.
Exercise. With all this free time and reasonable weather, DO SOMETHING. I did a simple workout one day. I was sore for two days; it was actually kind of pathetic. But still, now is a great time to get into a more active routine.
Woah. REALIZATION: This has been my last spring break. Brigham Young University (the college I am attending), doesn't have spring break; you just get out earlier. So, yeah, my last has been my worst. Make your spring breaks better for my sake!
Why is your mom the only person commenting on this awesome blog??? And p.s. for the record, I can not remember the last time your room was clean either...hmmmm...