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Showing posts from 2014

Red, White, and Ew: Why I Am Thankful for being American

Happy Belated Thanksgiving! And Merry Premature Christmas! It is officially the Christmas season (commence Elf   quotes), and I will be home in a week to bask in candy cane glory. But before I pull out Michael Buble's Christmas album, I still want to express my gratitude for America.  You see, I am not one to blindly assume that the country in which I was born is the best country in the world. But I am also not one to deny truth....perhaps I should be more diplomatic. Every country has its merits! But living in a foreign country truly helps you appreciate your homeland and reminds you not to take your privileges for granted. And you shouldn't take them for granite either.  So, while last Thursday's stuffing and turkey is merely a drop in the dark abyss of whatever part of my brain holds memory, Thanksgiving is not officially over until you've read the last word of this post. Here are some things that make me proud to be an American: 1. Non-Smoking Area...

This Place Be Trippin': My Experience with Culture Shock in Jordan

Marhaba! Before I want to make my first post about JORDAN, I want to make an announcement. I would like to retract my previous announcement . I am discontinuing  the "I'm all about that" series. (Can you cancel something you never started?) I decided that by promising a series of blog posts I was putting myself in a box, and there are already so many people that want to put me in a box, so I decided to mail that box to myself....and yeah.  I actually had a pretty good article prepared about Beyonce, so I still might post it. But until then, the only person who will be all about anything is that white girl who is all about that bass (yes, I was too lazy to look up her name).  Now that I dropped that bomb (because all of you are so bummed), I will proceed to talk about today's topic. If you didn't know that I have been in Amman, Jordan for the past month, this post will bring you up to speed.  So, I haven't been posting a lot of pictures no...

Bad Handwriting: Sitting Down with Rachel

Friends, Romans , Countrymen! I am very excited about this blog post and I hope it will be the first of many more like it. One of the first nights of freshman festivities at BYU, I went back to my dorm because I was sick of empty, boring conversation. But, lo and behold, I met great conversation with a few girls in my hall! And one of those girls happens to be with us today!  I feel like ever writer has a picture like this. Rachel Dalrymple is a close friend, coworker (?), and writer in her own blog Volatile Opinions and My Bad Handwriting . As the inventor of the written selfie and a fellow blogger, I wanted to interview her. Because I can only be so witty for so long before I have to Utah. And she interviewed me on her blog, too.  This is groundbreaking in the blogging community. Never before has there been such communication between bloggers today. World, you're welcome! A:What inspired you to start your blog? What subjects...

Public Service Announcement

Hello, friends!  I have decided to start preparing my body for Jordan's time. What does that mean? It means I will stay up until 2 pm tomorrow until I get on the plane, and then I will sleep. Jordan is seven hours ahead so it will really be like I am going to bed at 9 pm. Yes, I do hate myself- in case you were wondering. So, instead of doing that thing humans do called sleep, I'm going to take this time to make an announcement pertaining to the near future of AddSomeFinessa. Me in the airport...but paler.  OKAY, OKAY, I'LL TELL YOU MORE ABOUT IT! In my marketing class at BYU, we learned about the concept of a  brand champion . You may also know this by the name "brand whore" (this is the difference between Utah and the rest of the country) A brand champion is someone who loves everything a certain brand produces merely because it is part of that brand. For example, someone who is an Apple brand champion probably has the iPad, iPhone, Macbook, Apple ...

Journey to the Center of the....Arab World: All the Stuff You Gosta Know about My Study Abroad to Jordan

"I'm going to Jordan in the fall."  This is a statement that is much too familiar to my tongue. Who knew such a simple phrase unleashed the most monotonous can of worms, the dreariest of Pandora's boxes!  Each time I say I'm going to Jordan, people want to know all the whos, whats, whens, whys (whies?), and hows. It's like Freshman Orientation weekend all over again: "Where are you from?" "What's your major?" "Where do you live?" "Who do you have for [insert class]?" "Hey, you're awesome. Can I have your number?"* *this never happened.                But really, every time I tell someone I'm going to Jordan for a study abroad I want to bang my head against a wall repetitively . Now don't get me wrong! I love your curiosity and who doesn't like talking about themselves!? But I've had to relay the same scraps of information 40 times. Ain't nobody got ...

The Most Annoying Songs of Summer 2014

Alas, August is upon us! 'Tis the month where we look at our calendar only to discover a few weeks of summer remain- and we have wasted the last 8. But it is also a good month to reflect on the goodies that the music industry has produced and disseminated across radio stations over the course of the summer. And by goodies I mean the cheap taffy that old ladies pass out on Halloween. Ew. Don't get me wrong, there have been some great songs. "TURN DOWN FOR WHAT". This song does to me what whatever that thing does to Scarlett Johannson in LUCY. But instead of expanding my mental capacity, it expands my dancing capacity. This song reminds me of what it feels like to be on know...during my rebellious stage....that one time.  DISCLAIMER: Some of these songs have been on the radio even before the summer started. But you know how that goes, they'll probably be played on the radio for the next 6 months...or years.  So here you have it- The M...

The First and The Last: A Survey of the State of Delaware

"Aaah, our first state of Delaware. Established December 7, 1787. What a great place. We should go there." George Washington crossing the Delaware River, though he might not actually be in the state of Delaware.  Said no one ever.   Let's be real: people don't say this because 1)they don't when any of the states were established and 2)no one knows anything about Delaware. Delaware is one of those states you don't really hear anything about, like Connecticut or Wyoming. It is the red-headed stepchild of America. I am also suprised to say that I have lived in Delaware for three months. This is the last place I would expect to spend a summer. I mean, I know I do a lot of random things, but THIS- this takes the cake. (Takes the cake...where does that even come from?) Well, get ready to be EDUMACATED. I have compiled a list of questions AND ANSWERS one might ask about Delaware ( completely hypothetical). Because let's face it- you could be...

Notes from the Doorbell Diaries: 8 Dumb Things Homeowners Say

For the past three months, I have been selling trash & recycling services door-to-door in our first state of Delaware. There is a lot that goes into the job of being a door-to-door salesman, but ultimately I end up talking to a lot of strangers. My coworker once told me that we are getting to know America. Well, I feel bad for America! America's full of stubborn, rude, and downright dumb people. (Okay, that's not fair. We DO have Beyonce). But every time a homeowner opens his or her mouth, I be like: I could probably list 100 phrases spewed from the mouths of homeowners, but I narrowed it down to 8. So here you have it- 8 dumb things that the homeowners of Delaware say.  1. THIS IS A NO SOLICITING NEIGHBORHOOD. DIDN'T YOU SEE THE BIG SIGN WHEN YOU CAME IN?!  There are two reasons I love this. 1. Of course I saw the sign. Most of the neighborhoods I work in are ''no soliciting" neighborhoods. You have your signs, and I have mine.  This i...