Happy Belated Thanksgiving! And Merry Premature Christmas! It is officially the Christmas season (commence Elf quotes), and I will be home in a week to bask in candy cane glory. But before I pull out Michael Buble's Christmas album, I still want to express my gratitude for America. You see, I am not one to blindly assume that the country in which I was born is the best country in the world. But I am also not one to deny truth....perhaps I should be more diplomatic. Every country has its merits! But living in a foreign country truly helps you appreciate your homeland and reminds you not to take your privileges for granted. And you shouldn't take them for granite either. So, while last Thursday's stuffing and turkey is merely a drop in the dark abyss of whatever part of my brain holds memory, Thanksgiving is not officially over until you've read the last word of this post. Here are some things that make me proud to be an American: 1. Non-Smoking Area...