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5 Myths About Prom

Because I am a female senior in high school as well as a blogger (Can I officially call myself one?), it is important that a write a post about THE dance. My Prom a few HOURS, so posting this now is the happy medium between terrible procrastination and perfect timing. My mom is giving me this time to "prepare". I consider this preparing. So, I am going to bust some myths right here, right now, and bust  some moves LATER in all my white girl glory.

1. Prom is just like any other high school dance.  I don't like school dances, but I can tell you the prom is very different from other school dances. First, it is an upperclassmen dance, which is awesome. So you don't have to worry about some unsavory freshmen being present. Prom is the most formal of the formal dances. You're going to a country club. YOU GET FOOD. And you get announced when you walk in. So, if you decide that you don't want to go to Prom, know that it is NOT like other school dances. If you really don't like dances, don't go to ANY, but go to Prom. 

2. Prom is expensive. Prom IS more expensive than other school dances, but, if you play your cards right, you don't have to break open the piggy bank. 
                                - The ticket- You're not allowed to complain about an expensive ticket unless you go to Buckeye. Mine was $60. I haven't seen a ticket higher than that from other local schools. However, if you think about it, you are getting a lot for your money. $60 covers your t-shirt, your meal, your Prom location, and hopefully a good DJ. At my school, if you are a junior, you can join Prom Committee. For every meeting you attend, you get x dollars of your ticket. Some people end up going for free. 

                              - The dress- No one told you had HAD to spend $400 on a prom dress. You can feel beautiful in something for a lot less. And why spend $400 on a dress you will only wear for one night? As much as I like Prom, I wouldn't consider it a highlight of my life. Be real. You can get a good dress for under $200. (Just don't go to JJs House. EVER) You can get one custom-made for under $200. You can borrow one for FREE. My dress was $110 last year. This year it was $90. Think outside the box and INSIDE your wallet.

Like I said. White girl glory. 

3. I have to be dating my prom date. There is this idea that you have to be romantically involved with your prom date. WRONG. You can have plenty of fun by just going with a friend, and there is less pressure about trying to make it a good prom for another person. With a friend, you can just relax and come to have fun. Also, I heard a statistic....or something of a similar nature: the worst time of year to get into a relationship is around March-April time. There seems to be an overlap with PROMTIME. So, go with a friend. Unless you have a boyfriend. Going with him would be advisable.

4. Everyone drinks and does....other stuff after prom. Do many people participate in such activities? Yes. Does everyone? No. If partying isn't your thing, there will always be a group of people who want to have some innocent fun. After Prom, I will be going to a friend's house. There will be a hot tub and a pool and a bonfire and a chocolate fountain and much ukulele-playing (okay, maybe that last part won't be too good because I've only had my "uke" for a week) . I am going to have a ton of fun. Drug-free, sober fun. And you can too!

5. Let's Have The Best Prom Ever. I've been generous. I've painted Prom in a positive light. However, it really isn't FANTASTIC. Every year, they tag this phrase onto the idea of prom. But really, I don't think there will ever be a best prom ever. That would require much reform. A PROM REVOLUTION!!!! But no one wants to put that much work into it. Because it's just a dance. A HIGH SCHOOL dance. With high schoolers. Ick. So, don't be disappointed if it isn't everything you ever dreamed of. Because, hopefully (fingers crossed), you will have exponentially better days in your life. So take some pictures, eat some food, and break it down like it's 1978 like John Travolta. Have fun.


  1. My favorite parts: "unsavory freshmen" and "think outside the box and INSIDE your wallet". Spoken like a true Republican :) (relax, I'm just kidding and totally non-partisan)


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