So I said I would write two posts yesterday, but I lied. So THIS post is about yesterday.
The first major thing I did yesterday was a yoga class with my sister and her boyfriend. Because I don't ride a bike, I was to walk from ghetto downtown to the actual downtown, a solid 30-minute walk. Up until this point I had only seen the upper part of King St., a major street in Charleston. (If you never go to King St. while in Charleston, you kind of suck at life. Its practically impossible to miss it.) Due to the slightly rainy and humid disposition of my first day, this was King. Street:
It's A'ight. |
BUT THEN.....BUT THEN (building suspense), King St. underwent a serious transformation ...and for the better! Voila.! |
So many restaurants and shopping places! Unfortunately, I thought I was going to be late for my yoga class, so I didn't bother taking pictures of King St. YET. SO, We went to Dell'z Deli. DELL'Z DELI. You can literally ask anyone in Charleston about this dive and they will all respond with "I love it." The woman who owns it has a philosophy of healthy and delicious food. The idea around the food is to stuff as many good thing as possible into one wrap (with yummy sauces and dressings like SRIRACHA.)
This place is TINY. Its maximum occupancy is probably 5 people. Small, but MIGHTY. |
That pizza looking thing is a tortilla FILLED with rice and covered in EVERYTHING. |
I actually think they mixed up my order, but it was still delicious anyways.
After lunch, I went BACK to downtown to go to Waterfront Park.If you find yourself walking a lot and getting tired and hot, invest in a trolley map and ride it for free, At Waterfront Park, I played my ukulele. I made ONE DOLLAR. I'm so 3008, you so 2000 and LATE. Seriously though, that's pretty good for only knowing three full songs. So yeah, I am going to keep playing my uke in public and make bank.
YES, that is a pineapple fountain.
Waterfront Park, Again. |
After Waterfront, I decided to walk home. People think walking around a city alone is really scary, but it isn't. People politely mind their own business, and as long as you have a map or smartphone, you can always figure out where you are. But instead of choosing a singular, direct route, I just kind of meandered. Kind of like the homeles people do. And I found myself in the French Quarter. HOLY COW, this place is FREAKING AMAHZING.
Pretty sure a Disney Princess lived here. |
Even their alleyways are nice! |
French Quarter again, in an array of color.
Within the French Quarter , I found myself in Church St., where I melted even more. Church St., as you can guess, is a lot of churches. Now, as religious as I am, I didn't think I would find them that interesting....BUT THEY WERE. WHY AM I STILL SURPRISED TO FIND AWESOME THINGS IN CHARLESTON?
P.S. My pictures don't even begin to express their beauty. If you want the full effect, you gosta be here. |
ANAZA VON (Another one; I probably shouldn't phrase things like this on my blog)
I'm pretty sure there was a bright pink one too, but maybe I'm confusing it with one of the other fifty pink buildings here. So yeah, my second day was jam-packed with stuff and I got a little deeper into Charleston. What tomorrow beholds? Who knows? Actually I know, because tomorrow was yesterday.....I really need to catch up. |
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