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Channeling Charleston: Day #3- Lazy Thursday.

I give props to people who can write daily blog posts. It's pretty tough....because it's Saturday and I am writing about what I did on Thursday. So, I will try to catch up.

For lunch, I went to a Mediterranean cafe called Taziki's; Darren and Andria work here.

I was disappointed to find that their menu was lacking some key elements of mediterranean cuisine, not many, but some. However, my disappointment ceased quickly when I tried the food. We ordered taziki sauce and hummus and stuffed grape leaves and pita bread for an appetizer...that was gone in about three minutes. When my entree came out....I kind of ate half of it before I realized I should take a picture of it. #pigmoment #foodpanic

lamb and skordalia (garlic sauce) gyro, basmati rice, cucumber/tomato salad

Darren might have enjoyed his food a bit too much.

After wasting a lot of time meandering throughout the city, I decided that I had to check some things off my list.Most historical places close around five with tours starting on the hour, but I never felt that I could make it to the place on time by just walking. So, I decided to walk to City Hall. Why go to City Hall? For one reason: RESTROOMS. I had read on several occasions that I should check out their super nice restrooms. On my way there, I spotted Gibbes Museum of Art, ANOTHER item on my list.

This was cool. Their main exhibit was People's Choice, where people voted on their favorite pieces. I could understand most why most of them had artistic value and relevance to Charlestonians, except for one. It literally looked like some second grader painted it, and at first I thought they were displaying a child's artwork. But no, it was a grown man. Some art I will never understand (maybe because it isn't art.) Because I spent some time in the art museum, I didn't have time to check out City Hall. ONE DAY. 

So, because this was a LAZY Thursday, I didn't do much. But I have a lot to say from people-watching and street-wandering. 

RECYCLE RAVE. I don't think I have ever seen so many recycling bins before, mainly because I live in BACKWOODS BUCKEYE. People seem to be very eco-savvy. In addition to recycling, there is just a lot of emphasis on efficiency, sustainability, and super-healthy food like vegan and vegetarian options. AND I have seen sooooo many runners. Yeah, health!

COSTLY CAFE. DO NOT be fooled by the name "cafe". I used to think this word meant laid-back and cheap. HO HO HO NO. This is a city; nothing is cheap. Cafes are awesome, don't get me wrong, but don't make assumptions about the cost or environment of said cafe. You know what they say about assuming.... 
Caviar and Bananas......they don't actually sell that here. 

PRETTY FACES. I have heard that Southerners are more attractive. Now, I know what you are thinking. There is a mix of beautiful and ugly and average people everywhere. STILL, though, the VAST majority of people I have seen here is average to very attractive, which isn't bad at all. However, now that I think of it, the first statement doesn't really apply here, since a lot of the people in Charleston come from other places. In addition, people here also dress very well, which may be part of the fact that there are lots of European tourists here. Overall, I was much more impressed with the sartorial skills and attractiveness than I would be in Medina. 

SNEAKY SHOT. Even the old people are stylin'! #mustardpants

HOSTEL INHABITANTS. This was my last night at the Hostel. It's a cool place, but perhaps the strangest thing I came to realize that EVERYONE staying there was British or Australian. AWESOME! I was probably one of the few Americans. All of them had the same story, too; stopping by on a cross-country trip of the US. And you have to admit that if you live in a place where I live, you probably don't run into that many Englanders. So, it was weird to interact with them because I am used to only watching British people in it was a live performance. And after I would talk to them, i would find myself kind of talking like them. The accent is contagious! Perhaps the best part is hearing the words they use. I asked one guy what his job was, and he said he was a tree surgeon. TREE SURGEON. Also known as a lumberjack. Haha. 

So, yeah, if you want healthy food, but not shoved down your throat, come to Charleston. If you like guys in button-up shirts and khakis and well-sculpted hair, come to Charleston. Or if you have a thing for old people, this is the place to be.


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