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Gift #5: Peace and Promises

It turns out I have no professional pictures from my mission. I promise I wasn't always a fool.

February 16, 2016
Ichinomiya, Japan

I have avoided making promises with God on my mission because I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep them. But I have confidence that I can stay on my mission until July 12. I think I finally understand why they say that covenants bring peace, Being able to promise God [that I would complete my mission] brings me immense peace.

February 2016 was probably one of the hardest months of my mission, the time that I was closest to packing my bags and heading home early. I felt like Will in Stranger Things, constantly singing “Should I Stay or Should I Go”. Evidently, it was hard for me to feel any sense of security or peace.

But when I finally made the decision to complete my mission, peace washed over me. I didn’t know how I would make it through five more months of early mornings, canceled appointments, and shattered hopes, but I didn’t have to know. I only had to know that God knew, and He would help me wade through whatever hellish circumstances awaited me in the coming months.

God has given us the power to choose, and when we choose His ways, He can truly perform miracles in our lives. My miracle was staying on my mission for 18 months. Had I not chosen to make that promise, I may not have been able to weather the following weeks. And had I not stayed, I would have never met people or gained experiences that shaped me into the person I am today.

My mission taught me that as I strive to seek God’s will by keeping commandments making promises, I don’t have to worry about my potential failure. God gives me all the potential I need.

I am grateful for the many opportunities I have to make promises to the Lord and feel the peace that He offers.


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