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Channeling Charleston Day #6: Southern Sabbath

Today, I went to an LDS YSA church in Charleston. WOAH. Some of you probably didn't get any of that. It is basically a Mormon church designed for young single adults. (There are Mormons in the South; I know, I'm shocked, too.)  Actually, this church was in North Charleston, about a twenty-minute drive. It took me about eight phone calls before I finally found a ride. But hey, you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet.

Why am I talking about church? I'm getting there, be patient. Attending church also gives you insight into that fact that no one in Charleston is actually from Charleston. I met someone from Montana, Utah, and Georgia. Charleston is kind of a hodgepodge of people. So, if you do visit Charleston, and you don't hear that many Southern accents, it's normal.

So, yeah, I really didn't do that much today except for go to Church. But I looked at my phone and I have realized that I have taken about 300 photos while in Charleston, 10% of which I have actually shared with you. So I will show you more.

I went into the ENORMOUS post office one day. Yeah, this is the interior. Why aren't there post offices like this in Valley City? (Oh yeah, because Valley City is lame.) Speaking of Valley City, I told someone I was from there a few weeks ago, and they were like "Oh, I love Valley City. It's a nice town." Really, though, I don't think it can be really called a town since the primary part of it is probably a quarter-mile long. It's kind of a joke. But, anyways, Charleston. 

This is a sign outside of a country club. I found it quite humorous. 

I think this is the French Quarter again. Probably the one thing the French are good for is their influence in Charleston. 

ESKOO ME, CAN I TALK TO YOU FO A MINUTE? Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that the front of yo house is RIDICALOUS. Seriously, though, All of these houses were awesome. At one point I was tempted to knock on a door, ANY door, and say "hey, could I possibly fill up my water bottle here?" I'm sure the interiors are twice as awesome. 

They are so rich that they can make up addresses. I saw a lot of half addresses in Charleston, but I have yet to see a 9 3/4. 

I want to talk about a car. Now, I know this is not a BMW, but there were Beamers EVERYWHERE. If you don't see a BMW on one block, you're bound to see two on the next block. And that's a promise.

This is Battery Park, located at the farthest southern point of the peninsula. I liked Waterfront Park better, but this is another Charleston favorite. You can also park for free at the Battery. 

Today I celebrated the Sabbath in my blog. I just kind of reflected upon the week. Mainly because I'm lazy. 


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